
Key facts

Welcome to INDEX™ - the world’s leading nonwovens exhibition

INDEX™ is the largest global meeting event for the nonwovens market. Taking place once every three years, it is a unique opportunity to explore the industry’s latest innovations and connect with like-minded professionals.

INDEX™23 Key FactsSnapshot

  • Over 12'000 entries were recorded
  • Visitors from 103 countries attended, representing all regions of the world

Benefits for you and your business

  • Over the last 3 editions, between 85-95% of exhibitors are overall satisfied with the exhibition
  • 9 out of 10 visitors actively seeking new suppliers
  • 8 out of 10 visitors stay for two days or more
  • 71% of all attendees are senior decision-makers

You can find the main data gathered through our official survey after the INDEX™23 exhibition on the page INDEX™23 Figures.

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